Thursday, August 26, 2010

My attempt at Healthy- introducing Shrek Shakes

I like (okay LOVE) reading blogs and getting a glimpse into other peoples lives and what they do and don't do. Yes maybe its stalkerish but hey... if they put it out there then they must want SOMEONE to read it and maybe that SOMEONE is me. (someone being said in that tone of voice where its kind of drawn out more like sooooomeone...just a sidnenote).
Anyways- in my various blog readings I came across Jenny Vest (who is now Hatch). I don't know if she ever reads my blog but I read hers. We were in the same church together when I lived in Texas and she was a year older then me- awesome gal- awesome family. Anyways she shared on her blog this green smoothie which she calls (along with others in the blogsphere) a SHREK SHAKE. Now I normally am not a health nut by any means but Jenny claims that drinking these shakes and giving them to her children was "the best things she has done for her children health wise" (or something like that). So I was interested.
I am getting large with child.
I like to eat "not so healthy things".
I am getting large with child.
My lovely Mema told me on the phone that I need to eat more fruits and vegatables. So I sold. I am going to try the Shrek Shake.
I followed the recipe that Jenny shares here and my did not turn out green. It was more of a sludgish brownish redish color. It didn't taste fabulous but it did have alot of good stuff in it- Fruit, Spinich, Collard Greens (whatever those are) and Flax seed. I drank it and went on with my day.

Then next day... I made another Shrek Shake (really its a smoothie so I think I will call them Shrek Smoothies) and again it did not turn out green. I took some fruit out and added more spinich. Tasted okay and went on my day.

Today I made this beauty.

Its Green and it tasted SUPER YUMMY. So here is my recipe- a little different then Jennys but I am hoping to work up to hers.
2 Bananas
1 Tablespoon of Flax Seed (bought at Sprouts)
Blend that up
Add two large handfuls of raw spinich
Blend that up
One squirt of Agave Nector
5 ice cubes
and a little water
Blend that up.
MMMMM.... tasty.

I didn't really drink it in this class- just wanted you to see how beautifully green it was.

So here is the great things about the smoothie that I can testify to after 3 days.
I feel better.
I have more energy- who needs that 5 hr energy drink??
I feel semi Popeyeish
and it has helped some of my not so pleasant bathroom issues I have had since I have been pregnant
(okay probably TMI but just want to give the facts)
 I am getting alot of nutrients that I wouldn't otherwise... who eats 2 large handfuls of spinich a day??
So try it out- just once. Promise you will likey.

Also- Google Shrek Shakes if you want more information- apparently its pretty popular amongst the healthy crowd (which I am not part of but maybe will be if I continue with my smoothies).

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Baby Baking

Golly it has been a while since I have blogged. I feel like a schmuck because I always have lots to say but apparently can't sit down to write it out. I figure I also should chronicle life for my future child.
So I did write that we are having a baby. I should probably go back and check what I last wrote... please hold. Okay I am back-
So it was like a week after I last posted so I was 14 weeks along and magically woke up one day and felt great. I had energy. I wasn't sick and boy I was hungry. I did lose close to 20 lbs while being sick. I hated being sick but definitly needed to lose 20 pounds so I guess there is a positive there.
We had an ultrasound at 17.5 weeks and here is what we saw.

The ultrsound tech had a hard time because our baby was being stubborn and the umbilical cord was between the legs so it was hard to tell but she did tell us it was a girl. Now I always thought I would be the mother of lots of little boys. So when I found we were having a girl I was excited but a little shocked. I had already named our baby Kai (which is a boys name) and picked out a baby room that I liked (which was a boys room) but at the same time I have three girlfriends that just had baby girls so I imagined having fun tea parties and dress up parties and lots of fun "girly" things.
We also got to see this cute picture of our little one.

The babies head looks kinda funny but thats the placenta. I love 3D pictures though. They are so fun.
Because of the babies position, we were scheduled to go back in two weeks so I would be at 19.5 weeks to do the anatomy ultrasound. It was then that we got this picture.

So at this ultrasound the babys weiner came out from behind the umbilical cord. During the ultrasound I said to the tech, "well it looks like the baby is still a girl" and she was like "uh...I can't confirm that- it looks like a boy to me". I made her check and check again but apparently we are HAVING A BOY!

Here is another picture of our little boy sucking his thumb
Kai Frederick Beaudoin
He is measuring right where he should be and they said everything looks good.
We are super excited.
His name Kai is Hawaiian for "The Sea". The Hubbs and I really wanted something unique for a name
something that was different and he liked Hawaiian names because my grandfather (mom's dad) was Hawaiian.
Frederick is Brians grandfather (mom's dad) name and Brians middle name.
Its kinda funny but right when we first looked at names- Kai stood out to me. Even when we thought we were having a girl I kept saying, this baby is supposed to be named Kai but because it is more of a boy name I looked for other options (she would have been named Skye)
So all in all... we are super excited. Feeling good and excited to meet our little buddy.
Here is a picture of me getting large with child.

Me at 20 weeks