Time flies by so fast. I am 28 weeks pregnant now and starting my 3rd trimester. It seems to be going by so quickly. Just yesterday I was sitting at a restaurant enjoying a nice meal with the hubbs and I looked over at him and said... "uh you do realize that in a very short time our world will be flipped upside down??" I am not really sure if either one of us is really prepared for having a baby.
Neither of us have ever changed a dirty diaper (like the REAL dirty stuff... I have changed wet diapers but not DIRTY ones).
Neither of us have little brothers and sisters that we got stuck babysitting
Neither of us have any nieces or nephews that we been around
Neither of us have ever had a baby (duh). Brian was married previously and his ex had a daughter so he is told me he is good once the child walks, talks, and goes to the bathroom in a toilet (geez thanks hubbs).
Both of us LOVE to sleep
Both of us enjoy going out to dinner
Both of us enjoy coming and going as we want....
But with that all said-- BOTH OF US ARE SUPER EXCITED...scared, nervous, freaking out yes... BUT EXCITED.
Here are some advances we have made in the Kai's room. Still alot of work to do but I thought I would give you a sneak peak.
I love sea turtles... my dream is to swim with them someday. Since Kai mean "the sea" in Hawaiian, we decided (or I decided) to add some sea turtle touches to his room. I have had this picture in my Crafice for a while and love the colors. We used this as the color palette for the room.
My mom found this dresser. I wish I had before and after pictures but imagine an old looking dark brown dresser with lots of drawers. She totally transformed it to exactly what I wanted. My dad helped in working the drawers to that we could have baskets slide in and out. They painted it and changed the nobs. LOVE IT. Thanks Mom.
I just love this piggy bank. The hubbs played football in college and we love football AND it matches perfect.
This is our crib. My mother in law took me and Bri out to pick it out. At the time I did not know if I was having a boy or girl. I did know that I wanted something that was very straight lined. I love it. Now just imagine all the bedding (my mom is making it all) and an awesome surfboard we ordered with his name on it above it.
I still have ALOT to do. We also have bought a LAZY BOY recliner that will go in there but currently it is in the living room being enjoyed by me as we speak. We also bought a 40 inch TV because every baby needs a huge tv in his room-- really?? We went out to get a small 19 inch tv but they had a huge sale on the big tv's so we got one. It will only be in Kai's room while he is a baby and up all night so I have something to watch while I am in there with him. After that- he will get a little one and the big one will go in our room.
Still lots to do.