Monday, October 18, 2010

Brookies Cookies

I tend to jump from hobby to hobby...
 one day I am a photographer
the next I am a knitter
the next I am a baker
the next I am a quilter
then a crocheter
then a cook
then I am writer
then a gardener
then a food storage master of the universe
then a photographer again

Well whatever- I think I consider it multitalented- or multi "wanna be" talented
Anyways- Last year around this time I wanted to be a "Cookie Maker"
and I was convinced I would open a little shop called
Brookies Cookies (catchy huh?)
My parents bought me this wonderful Bosch Mixer and I just want to say... its AMAZING

I love this mixer... I highly recommend it for all baking needs.
I can't really compare it to the kitchenaid mixer but I love my machine.
I made some fabulous cookies as well that I will share in another Fall Baking post

(make sure you check out the sign in the picture... love it)

The Baby Bump

Me at 28.5 weeks

I made the Hubbs take this picture like 20 times.
me- "I look fat"
me-"I have a muffin top"
me-"Let me change shirts because this one is to tight"
after changing shirts
me-"this shirt makes me look like I am not even pregnant"
me-"Do I look fat to you?"
me-"honey... don't cut my face out of the picture"
me-"honey... my face looks huge"
the hubbs- "you are so beautiful and I love you so much"

Gotta love good husbands

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fall Baking- Peanut Butter Rocky Road Brownies

Another one of my Fall Baking Projects

Heat oven 350 degrees. Grease bottom of 13x9 inch pan.

1 box Betty Crocker fudge brownie mix
(all ingredients for brownie mix- water, oil, eggs)
1 jar marshmellow creme
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1 tbsp. milk
30 minature peanut butter cups
1/3 cup chopped salted peanuts
1/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1/4 tsp veg. oil

Make brownies as directed on box. Let them completely cool once baked.
While baking/cooling- chop up peanuts and unwrap all peanut butter cups. Chop up peanut butter cups into small pieces
Mix marshmellow, peanut butter, milk in a mixer until fluffy.
Once brownies are cooled, put the marshmellow fluff mixture on top of brownies.
Then sprinkle peanuts and peanut butter cup pieces over the baked and cooled brownies
** its very important that the brownies are completely cooled otherwise this will become a messy project of melted everything**
melt the chocolate chips and oil in the microwave for 20 seconds stiring often until all is melted. Drizzle that ontop of the brownies.

I put the brownies in the fridge and let them cool down completely and harden up. Once completely cooled and chilled, I took them out cut into small pieces and served in cupcake liners. These are really rich (but amazingly yummy).

They were a HUGE hit at my Relief Society meething that I took them too.

Fall Baking- Pumpkin Woopie Pies

I love the FALL TIME even though here in Arizona it is still like 98 degrees outside. Ugh!

But whatever... I can imagine a nice crisp fall time.

I have done a little fall baking and everything turned out so yummy so I thought I would share the recipes.

I got them all from here... As you all know I love Bakerella and making cake pops so I was naturally drawn to this little book at the grocery store. If you have never bought these little recipe books- you should. They have some great stuff in there.

Pumpkin Woopie Pies
(these were super yummy and easy to  make)

1 pouch of Betty Crocker sugar cookie mix
1 tablespoon of flour
1/2 cup canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix)
1/3 cup of butter softened
2 tsps. ground cinnamon
1 egg

Mix the above ingredients in the mixer on slow/med speed and then scoop in rounded tablespoons onto a non greased cookie sheet
If you do not have a cookie scoop (looks like a little ice cream scoop) I would suggest getting one. It is an awesome tool and makes your cookies round and all the same size.
You will have to put a little flour on your fingers and push down on the cookie dough balls so they flatten a little.

Bake 8-10 minutes in a preheated 375 oven.
Let the cookies completely cool down

2/3 cup of marshmellow creme
1/3 cup of butter or margerine softened
2/3 cup powdered sugar
beat these ingredients in a bowl with an electric mixer until fluffy.

Once the cookies are cooled down- scoop a little of the filling on one cookie (the bottom) and sandwich them together (bottoms together). Store them in the fridge until serving. When serving, place them on a plate or cake plate and allow them to thaw a little and sprinkle powdered sugar on them.


28 weeks and counting...

Time flies by so fast. I am 28 weeks pregnant now and starting my 3rd trimester. It seems to be going by so quickly. Just yesterday I was sitting at a restaurant enjoying a nice meal with the hubbs and I looked over at him and said... "uh you do realize that in a very short time our world will be flipped upside down??" I am not really sure if either one of us is really prepared for having a baby.

Neither of us have ever changed a dirty diaper (like the REAL dirty stuff... I have changed wet diapers but not DIRTY ones).
Neither of us have little brothers and sisters that we got stuck babysitting
Neither of us have any nieces or nephews that we been around
Neither of us have ever had a baby (duh). Brian was married previously and his ex had a daughter so he is told me he is good once the child walks, talks, and goes to the bathroom in a toilet (geez thanks hubbs).
Both of us LOVE to sleep
Both of us enjoy going out to dinner
Both of us enjoy coming and going as we want....
But with that all said-- BOTH OF US ARE SUPER EXCITED...scared, nervous, freaking out yes... BUT EXCITED.

Here are some advances we have made in the Kai's room. Still alot of work to do but I thought I would give you a sneak peak.

I love sea turtles... my dream is to swim with them someday. Since Kai mean "the sea" in Hawaiian, we decided (or I decided) to add some sea turtle touches to his room. I have had this picture in my Crafice for a while and love the colors. We used this as the color palette for the room.

My mom found this dresser. I wish I had before and after pictures but imagine an old looking dark brown dresser with lots of drawers. She totally transformed it to exactly what I wanted. My dad helped in working the drawers to that we could have baskets slide in and out. They painted it and changed the nobs. LOVE IT. Thanks Mom.

I just love this piggy bank. The hubbs played football in college and we love football AND it matches perfect.

This is our crib. My mother in law took me and Bri out to pick it out. At the time I did not know if I was having a boy or girl. I did know that I wanted something that was very straight lined. I love it. Now just imagine all the bedding (my mom is making it all) and an awesome surfboard we ordered with his name on it above it.

I still have ALOT to do. We also have bought a LAZY BOY recliner that will go in there but currently it is in the living room being enjoyed by me as we speak. We also bought a 40 inch TV because every baby needs a huge tv in his room-- really?? We went out to get a small 19 inch tv but they had a huge sale on the big tv's so we got one. It will only be in Kai's room while he is a baby and up all night so I have something to watch while I am in there with him. After that- he will get a little one and the big one will go in our room.

Still lots to do.

An Apple a Day....

I have been sorta on an APPLE kick lately. I have been lots of apples and trying different kinds. A friend suggested Honeycrisp Apples and I haven't been the same since. I LOVE THEM. Yummy. I think my baby in utero likes them too...
Since apples are in season and there are so many great prices on them right now I decided to buy a bunch and make some applesauce. I have never done this before so I did a little online research (love The Google) and watched some YouTube and enlisted the help of my dad. He is always excited about any canning project. Here are some pictures of my applesauce canning adventure.

I bought this awesome thing at the local thrift store (for $4.00) and it peels, cores, and slices my apples. What used to take like FOR EV ER now is super simple. You can get the same one from Pampered Chef but its a little more expensive.
After you have sliced or cubed your apples you want to cook them on the stove for about 20 minutes until they are soft. You will need to add a little water to the mixture so it kinda simmers the apples.

I blended my apple mush in a blender and added cinnamon and sugar. You don't really need to add anything beacuse the apples naturally give off sweetness but the cinnamon is a nice touch. Then I filled pint jars and processed then cold packed them to seal the jars. Love it.

I hope Kai likes applesauce because he will be eating lots of it. Now I am thinking about what other babytype foods I can make and store.