Its kind of funny that Mrs. Briggs tagged me on this because earlier this week I was talking to my husband along with friends from work about what their FAVORITE things are. What makes them happy?? So this fit right along with those discussions. I have spent alot of time thinking about this the last couple weeks.
To accept this award I must list 10 things that make me happy and then pass this award along to 10 fabulous blogs!
Things that make me HAPPY:
1. My knowledge that I have a Savior... helps when I make mistakes which I do often
2. My super fabulous husband... he loves me for all my quirkiness, he allows me to be myself, he supports me in all that I do (and attempt to do), he has his own passions (guitar and music) and lets me have mine, he make me laugh, he is such a great husband. I love just hanging out with him, waking up next to him and getting to go to sleep with him every night. I am forever grateful he married me.
3. Quilting... duhhh. I love sitting down at my sewing machine and playing with fabric. I love shopping for fabric, I love getting packages of fabric in the mail, I love laying out the fabric on the carpet and planning the end product.
4. Spending time with my mom
She is awesome. As I get older I see more and more of my mom in me. When I was younger, I would never admit that I was like my mom but now I can see it. She is so fun to hang out with.
5. Clean sheets... Before The Hubbs and I got married, I made him invest in new bedding. After a $1000.00 trip to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and Dillards, we came home with some AMAZING sheets and a warm down comforter. Great investment (on his part) because these are like sleeping on clouds. Love that first time you slip into clean sheets.
6. Burts Bees
9. Sedona- I have never had a bad time in Sedona. I love the feeling you get when you drive into Sedona and you see the first set of Red Rocks... its breathtakingly beautiful. Sedona has always been my getaway spot. The Hubbs and I got engaged in Sedona and married in Sedona. Many new agers say that Sedona is a powerful place, special auras are there. I believe it because I always feel better after I visit there.
10. It makes me happy when I have friends that blog and I can keep in touch with them and see their families. I love the internet. I am grateful for the blogging world and how it has been a sort of journal, a release, and a way for me to keep connected with all of my friends. I also love that I am able to meet so many amazing people through blogging. The blogsphere is great and I am happy that I finally got over myself and started blogging.
Now here is the part that I don't ever like to do... I am not a "tagger" and I never pass on chain mail. So if you want to add this to your blog (and I would hope that you would take the time), put the first picture at the top then list your 10 favorites, 10 loves, 10 things that MAKE YOU HAPPY.
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