Monday, February 21, 2011

One Year Older and Wiser Too

A Few Things I have Learned (or re-learned) In My 30th Year of Life...

1. Quilting- for my birthday last year I got Ernie and have since loved quilting. I have a large stash of fabric that someday I will dig into.

2. I am not good at quilting bee's or groups. I love quilting but am not good at timelines

3. The  best way to get pregnant is to not think about it. I have heard this many times but when you are trying to get pregnant its hard not to stress about it. It was only when I stopped thinking about it and stressing over it, we were blessed.

4. Morning sickness SUCKS

5. Front loading washers and dryers are a must

6. Epidurals really are as great as I thought they would be

7. Heavenly Father knows us, listens to us, and answers our prayers

8. Arthritis sucks-- I don't have it but the hubbs does and my heart breaks for the pain that he is in all the time

9. Mommyhood Rocks

10. The laundry can wait, the dishes can wait, the dinner does not need to be gourmet... people are what is important and spending time with those you love is the most important thing.

I am excited for my THIRTY SOMETHING years!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What the Chuck...

I came across this tonight and thought I would share.

When I was a little girl I had a pair of hot pink Chuck Taylor high tops.  I remember that they were the coolest things around (or I thought so at least). I love seeing these hot pink shoes out but they never have my size. So today I went online to and lo and behold look what they have....

Create Your Own Converse....
That has to be the coolest thing EVER!!

I love these- I could put on them "I heart Brian", or "I heart Chocolate", or "I heart you".
The options are limitless.

Or these...
How fun are those??

Hmmm.... I am thinking I will have to create myself some for my birthday- the problem is I only wear them with pants or jeans and its almost shorts weather but I guess my feet are not going to grow so I can save them for next year. hmmm?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mommy Must Haves

One of the things that I love about blog stalking is seeing what other people use and love. It seems like if someone says they have something and L.O.V.E it then I need to have it. I try out alot of products because someone else suggested it- some I love some I don't.
So today, I want to be that someone and share some of the items that I LOVE and have been must haves in my world the last six weeks.

Body Shop Lip Balm... if you remember from a previous post I shared that I loved Burts Bees (which I still do) but then on a recent shopping trip to the mall... I came across this lovely lip balm. It is AWESOME. Its the best. With boob feeding, I constantly feel like I am dry skinned and chaped lips. This stuff makes my lips not only taste yummy and smell yummy, it keeps them moisterized and silky smooth. 

The Boppy... seriously Mr. (or Mrs) Boppy creater (probably a Ms. because its so wonderful) is GENIUS GENIUS... I love this thing. Kai just lays in it on the couch, the hubbs uses it for feedings, I use it when I am pumping and the kid wants to be on my lap. My dog Mia even loves it. If I put a blanket over it, Mia finds herself cuddled up in it. 

This was one of the first things I bought the unborn child. I only got it because it matched the room, but I am so happy I did. Kai loves it. It lights up, plays some music and bubble noises (which soothes him). He has been sleeping in his crib since he first came home and we turn this on for him everynight, he just stares at it and listens to the music. Usually he is asleep before it turns off.

A friend of ours got this at her baby shower and I thought we need one of those. Supernanny says that parents should track feedings and diapers in the first weeks. This little gadget doesn't track it but keeps a timer for each item. We used it to track his dirty diapers (which only lasted like two days because it was to much), his feedings, and my pumpings (since I only pump and we bottle feed). This was so helpful the first week or so when you get no sleep and me and the hubbs were on two different schedules. We would pass this moniter back and forth as one was heading to bed and the other was getting out of bed.

These two items go hand in hand. I am addicted to watching The Office. I have never seen it but have had friends say its their favorite. I love it and seriously watch like 4 episodes a night (sometimes more). Thank goodness for Netflix.

So these are my favorite things. I love them all and highly RECOMMEND them.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Lovey Day

I have always loved Valentines Day and this year is no different. I am not really sure why- I think its all the red and pink and lots of love going around. Last night at Sunday dinner my dad declared that he hates Valentines day because it is always about the girls. Which I guess is somewhat true because its wierd to send guys flowers and if you have a hubby like mine- he doesn't like candy or chocolate and thinks cards are a waste. So I have to be a little creative on Valentines for him.
This year I decided to hide his presents around the house and send him on a scavanger hunt to find his gifts.
All of the gifts for the Hubbs
I made him some homemade Woopie Pies that I found here
The only thing I could think of to go with Whoopie-- we are married I am allowed to say that.

On each of the hearts, there is a lovey note to the hubbs and then the clue to the next gift

I hope that my Hubbs loves his gifts and his hunt for the gifts. I had fun putting it all together for him.
I love my hubbs and baby daddy so much.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Joy with the Boy

I can honestly say that the last six weeks has been joyful.
Yes, he cries now and then.
 Yes, he likes to EXPLODE in his diaper right after I put a clean one on him.
 Yes, he likes to wake up right after I tuck myself and my hunny into bed.
 No, he is not sleeping through the night (which happens to be everyones first question- does he sleep through the night??)
 Yes, he spits up on my clean shirt that I just put on.
 Yes, I look like death worn over half the time (probably because I only shower every other day- TMI).
but Yes...Yes I am in love and my little boy has brought so much joy to my already wonderful life.

Some of the wonderful things that he has started doing- he smiles now and not just when he is pooping or sleeping...sometimes even when I talk to him or play with him.
He started looking more closely at me when I am holding him and when he is facing away from me- he looks back at me.
He holds his neck up all strong and tough like a big boy.
He is officially out of newborn diapers and clothes.
He is always kicking and sqwirming around.
He LOVES taking baths.
He LOVES to pee all over me when he takes his baths.

His hair is kinda getting wavy and his eyes are still blue (fingers crossed- I have blue eyes)