Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Year End Deadlines...
Its not perfect by anymeans... definitly not as great as some of the amazing woman I have blog searched like but I am getting there. Just a little more practice.
I loved this backing fabric- I got it at JoAnns ON SALE... its little Dragonflies (I love Dragonflies- in case you did not know)
Monday, December 28, 2009
Domestic Gifts for a semi Domestic Brooke
I wanted a sewing maching and picked out this really expensive one... when I came to my senses and realized that I really don't even know how to sew... I decided on this one from Costco
Mom and Dad got me (and the Hubbs) this fancy mixer. I love baking and wanted a nice mixer. This thing is amazing. I highly recommend it.
Every Sunday the Hubbs heres me curse at the Iron... not a great way to start a Sabbath day so he got me this iron. Very much needed. Funny thing... I got him a new ironing board (like he really wanted that).
I also got this external flash for the camera... love it. Haven't mastered it yet but definitly changes up the pictures.
The Hubbs and I got money from his side of the family and used it to buy this pressure canner. We went to the Stake Preparedness fair earlier this year and got motivated to can foods for our food storage.
Its funny when you get older and already have so many things... like I would ever imagine me asking for a pressure canner or a mixer for Christmas- but I am so happy and blessed.
It was her favorite stuffed animal she slept with for years... she told her mom "its time someone else loves Cotton Candy (the cats name). Love it.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Love the Fam....
Mom and Dad at their house...
Me and the Hubbs wishing all a MERRY CHRISTMAS
Friday, December 18, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Update on the ring....
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Just another day.... whatever
This was a very INTERESTING day... I have been knitting alot lately and well its difficult to knit with my wedding rings on (rings = my band and my engagement ring). I took them off and placed them next to the couch on a little table. I woke up this morning a little sluggish and as I was leaving for work, I went to the little table only to find that my diamond ring was missing. I thought the Hubbs moved the ring because he thought it might fall into the couch or something along those lines so I checked with the Hubbs and he said he didn't move it but that he woke up in the middle of the night because our dog Bailey was chewing on something hard. I thought to myself "no way would the dog eat my wedding ring" but sure enough we found the ring outside with little teeth marks all over it and the prongs bent back... WITH NO DIAMOND!!
The Hubbs was convinced that she either ATE IT or it fell out of the ring as Bailey carried it around the house. Seriously?!?
I made an appt with the vet to do an xray to see if the diamond was inside her- the diamond was 1.5 carats so we thought it would be able to be seen on an xray but the vet said he saw nothing. We locked Bailey up in the bathroom for the day until after we got off work and then searched the house high and low on the "Great Diamond Search". I called the insurance and luckily I took out a seperate policy on the ring since it was worth quite a bit of money. Insurance said they would cover for lost diamonds (thank goodness) and the agent couldn't help but laugh when I told him that we thought the dog may have eaten it.
So to spare you all the gross details... my ring was found and it WAS eaten by Bailey. Now most items I would not be willing to search poo over but this WAS my diamond and it WAS worth close to $10,000 so pretty much her poo became the prized item of the day.
And here is the "Great Diamond Thief"
She's a brutal Cocker Spanial
Thursday, December 3, 2009
just a little rant...
When I got married I thought it would be this like super easy thing to get pregnant. I imagined getting "knocked up" on my wedding night and popping out babies left and right. After one month, then two, then 5, then 12, lots of prego tests, lots of ovulation sticks- I am left with lots of heartache and frustration and still no baby. Guess my plan and idea was different then Heavenly Fathers and I am here with no baby and alot of frustration. The Hubbs is amazing at keeping me calm, reminding me of my blessings, not letting me get depressed but then I see all of my friends (total 14 friends are prego right now) with their glow and their excitement and I want that. I know I should not be that way but maybe just maybe a special stork will bring me a baby for Christmas. I know it will work its way out... it may cost us alot of money and maybe we will pop out like 6 at one time but it will happen. My dad said we won't be Jon and Kate plus 8- but instead will be Brooke and Brian are Broke!!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Busy Bee
This is Carson.... super CUTE
I borrowed another friends children as well and will post there pics once I finish editing. Fun times.
In other notes... I have appts with the specialist this next week to find out what the heck is going on with my body and why I can't seem to get prego. Fingers crossed and say some prayers we can figure things out.