I wanted a sewing maching and picked out this really expensive one... when I came to my senses and realized that I really don't even know how to sew... I decided on this one from Costco
Mom and Dad got me (and the Hubbs) this fancy mixer. I love baking and wanted a nice mixer. This thing is amazing. I highly recommend it.
Every Sunday the Hubbs heres me curse at the Iron... not a great way to start a Sabbath day so he got me this iron. Very much needed. Funny thing... I got him a new ironing board (like he really wanted that).
I also got this external flash for the camera... love it. Haven't mastered it yet but definitly changes up the pictures.
The Hubbs and I got money from his side of the family and used it to buy this pressure canner. We went to the Stake Preparedness fair earlier this year and got motivated to can foods for our food storage.
Its funny when you get older and already have so many things... like I would ever imagine me asking for a pressure canner or a mixer for Christmas- but I am so happy and blessed.
It was her favorite stuffed animal she slept with for years... she told her mom "its time someone else loves Cotton Candy (the cats name). Love it.
That is a great Christmas idea. I love the 'as seen on t.v.' thing...