Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Now I am Older and More Mature...

I have officially become 30 years old. Woo Hoo!!! I was pretty excited for my birthday this week. So lets give a recap of the weekend.
Friday... spent the day canning with my dad then went the Elephant Bar with the Hubbs. This was the first of my weekend of EATING OUT.
Saturday... spent the day getting a pretty pedicure and manicure- GOT MY RING BACK- which is really exciting then went to eat at Cheesecake Factory with the parents. More food-yummy for me.
Sunday... taught my lesson at church which went really well. I was kinda nervous about it because this lesson just didn't flow quite like I wanted it to. Usually when I teach I get overwhelming spiritual guidance but this time I felt a little out of it. The lesson ended up good though (probably because I was more mature since I turned 30). After church I came home to a nice surprise from the Hubbs.

He made me this wonderful, beautiful, double layered cake (his first ever). We call is Frankencake. Go Hubbs. We went out to dinner with the in-laws to Pappadeaux. Yummy yummy. The Hubbs said I can get my sewing machine- yeah yeah. So in March, mom and I are going and purchasing Nina. Yeah yeah!!
Monday... got a great birthday present. But I don't want to quite share that one yet. Woo hoo even more.
Best birthday ever!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Un-Valentines Day

This year has  been different for me. Usually I am counting down the days until February because all of my FAVORITE things happen in Feb= my birthday, Valentines Day, my birthday, four of my friends birthday, my birthday (you got my point). When I was in my teens and college, my mom would always joke because each year I would find a new boyfriend by February 1st and they would stay my boyfriend AT LEAST until March 1st. When the Hubbs and I started dating, mom was for sure he wouldn't make it past March- he was different. I kept him around. LOVES.

Anyways this year not much excitement this month. I even told the Hubbs not to buy me flowers. See here is my philosophy- I do have one. I really, really, really want this....

but its like $2400.00 or something crazy like that. I got to play on one a couple weeks ago at the quilting show. Its amazing. It has this super awesome stitch regulator on it that it like the best thing since... well forever. So my theory is this- if I don't get any presents for Valentines, my birthday, or any other holiday this year- maybe JUST MAYBE the Hubbs will let me splurge on this one. I even have been trying to avoid buying fabric (TRYING BEING THE KEY WORD). Every penny adds up to a new sewing machine. Now if you remember- I got a new sewing machine at Christmas but I never realized how much I would love quilting so now I need a new one. A special one. The Bernina. I would name her NINA. Ahhhh bliss.
Anyways- the Hubbs still needed to get a present for Valentines day though. Actually I had not bought him anything (saving money for Nina) but then we found this AWESOME deal. The Hubbs plays in a band

 This is him with his first band... Kevorkian Method (no need to comment on the band name- I know). The second band is Coldest Lonely. He plays the Bass and Guitar. He loves it and I love that he loves it so much.

So he has been wanting to get a new desk for his recording equiptment. My super talented Hubbs also does recording. LOVES. So anyways- we found this desk at the thrift store for $119.00. Sounds a little expensive for a thrift store but this same desk is listed for $2200.00 online. WOW!! What a great deal. So here was my thought again... If he gets this desk then maybe I can get Nina and his response, "honey if you can find Nina for $119.00- go for it". Smart butt. Gotta love the Hubbs. So we are here at his band studio... his man cave... on valentines... setting up the desk.
very romantic I know... but its with The Hubbs. The man that I love. The man that I get to wake up every morning next to. The man that makes me smile, makes me laugh, listens to me rant, and holds me when I need to cry. Valentines Day is a day to share the love. Sitting here in the band studio helping the Hubbs set up his fancy, deal of a desk is love.

“Love is patient; love is kind
and envies no one.
Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude;
never selfish, not quick to take offense.
There is nothing love cannot face;
there is no limit to its faith,
its hope, and endurance.
In a word, there are three things
that last forever: faith, hope, and love;
but the greatest of them all is love.”

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Caught I am a blog stalker...

Let me tell you about my semi embarassing, sureal moment I had yesterday. With blogging you come to read so many blogs- get so many ideas- and well some of the people you read about on here become your friends (even though they don't know you). We had this training session at work. I work in HR and tend to usually be the one faciliating the trainings but this time we brought in the big dogs from the parent company to come in and teach us- motivate us- inspire us. So yesterday morning this guy walks into our office ready to teach four training sessions over two days. As we were sitting around the table with this guy, I thought to myself... "self- he looks really familiar". Why would I know him? So I started probing some questions. Something came up where he mentioned Utah- I mentioned being Mormon and that I am not a fan of Utah (no offense to my Utahian friends). As we sat there a little longer, I couldn't place where I knew him. When I went into the training session, I was looking at him and thought again- he looks familiar. He put some pics of his son and wife in his presentation and immediately I realized he was Chup... Chup was him. Chup is real and he is standing in front of me.

Now if you don't know who Chup is- GO HERE

After the class I went up to him was like awe struck... felt like I met a celebrity... someone who I read about DAILY and when I mean DAILY I have to elaborate. Cjane is my morning coffee. I read her blog (when she does blog) in the morning before I get out of bed- usually there is a new post when I get up every morning. I was totally that person that is like "uhhhh you are cool but your wife is so much cooler" and then I proceeded to tell how much I love his wife, and his kid, and his house, and his life, and his everything... OKAY IDIOT BROOKE- you don't even know this guy and he had to be like "seriously crazy stalker blog person get away from me" but he wasn't. He said that I was the first person to recognize him in that kind of work setting. He was nice and polite and let me tell him over and over how appreciative I am of his wifes writings. Too bad I didn't have a camera because I totally would have done the one handed let me take a picture of us- totally stalkerlike.

But anyways in this rant here is my point-

I identified with him. I knew him. He was a character in my favorite book. I never really thought he was real because to me him, his wife, his child, their family- they are characters. They probably don't realize that little ol' me here in Phoenix reads their stories and laughs, and cries, and identifies with them. They don't know who they influence and how something that she said in the morning makes my day, uplifts my spirit, brings me joy. And all she did was write and share a piece of her. Today I felt embarassed (which doesn't happen often) so I avoided the classes just because I didn't want him to see me walk in and go "oh great not HER again".

Oh how Blogging is great!

New Wonderful Blog I found...

In my wonderful world of blog hunting (I like to call it hunting and the Hubbs refers to it as STALKING-remind me to tell you my story)... I came across this blog called Nap Time Journal. Go check it out... she has some super wonderful cute ideas. I love creative women and the awesomeness of blogs where they share awesome ideas like these.

Oh my cuteness... wait there is more-

 I L.O.V.E this little baptism book... Its made with envelopes- what a great idea to store all the little memories.
Go check out her blog- She is awesomely wonderful.
Another new favorite- its a quilting one which is my FAVORITE pasttime other then staring into the Hubbs eyes (cheese I know). Anyways- checks out Crazy Old Ladies Quilts 
I am loving their blog name AND their quilts. I am hoping someday my quilts join circles like these ones.
The Hubbs friends always tell him "if Brooke is quilting now what is she going to do when she is 70?" my response... "become a CRAZY OLD LADY QUILTING".
Love them

Choices We Make

I have to teach the womans group at my church in two weeks and the lesson is on CHOICES. Over the last week or so, I have been trying to be more aware of my choices. I came to realize that everything we do, everyday is a choice. I love that we are given the ability to choose for ourselves what we want to do, what we want to say, how we want to spend our time (and with who), how we spend our money, how we make money... everything. What a great blessing but on the same time what a struggle and burden that can be.
As I have been aware of my choices this last week, I have noticed something. I take the time to tell people that I appreciate them. I am telling more people "have a great day" and trying to be positive in my words and actions. Because here is what I have realized... I CHOOSE! No one forces me to feel, no one forces me to react, no one makes me to be happy or sad or angry or anything else. I choose. My choices bring blessings. At the end of the day when I am alone, I have to give an accounting to the Lord about the choices I made that day. I have to tell him about how I spent the day he has blessed me with. Did I use it for good or negative? Did I brighten anothers life and make someone smile or did I go through the day in a pity party state? I choose... I choose happiness.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Things I love...

Its kind of funny that Mrs. Briggs tagged me on this because earlier this week I was talking to my husband along with friends from work about what their FAVORITE things are. What makes them happy??  So this fit right along with those discussions. I have spent alot of time thinking about this the last couple weeks.

To accept this award I must list 10 things that make me happy and then pass this award along to 10 fabulous blogs!

Things that make me HAPPY:

1. My knowledge that I have a Savior... helps when I make mistakes which I do often

2. My super fabulous husband... he loves me for all my quirkiness, he allows me to be myself, he supports me in all that I do (and attempt to do), he has his own passions (guitar and music) and lets me have mine, he make me laugh, he is such a great husband. I love just hanging out with him, waking up next to him and getting to go to sleep with him every night. I am forever grateful he married me.

3. Quilting... duhhh. I love sitting down at my sewing machine and playing with fabric. I love shopping for fabric, I love getting packages of fabric in the mail, I love laying out the fabric on the carpet and planning the end product.
4. Spending time with my mom She is awesome. As I get older I see more and more of my mom in me. When I was younger, I would never admit that I was like my mom but now I can see it. She is so fun to hang out with.
5. Clean sheets... Before The Hubbs and I got married, I made him invest in new bedding. After a $1000.00 trip to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and Dillards, we came home with some AMAZING sheets and a warm down comforter. Great investment (on his part) because these are like sleeping on clouds. Love that first time you slip into clean sheets.
6. Burts Bees
7. Pina Colada Jelly Bellys.YUMMY!!
8. My dog Mia- I know I shouldn't say that Mia makes me happy and the rest don't (we have FOUR dogs) but Mia was my best impulsive buy ever. She brings me joy. Just FYI these are not really in order. I can't put Jelly Belly's before Mia.

9. Sedona- I have never had a bad time in Sedona. I love the feeling you get when you drive into Sedona and you see the first set of Red Rocks... its breathtakingly beautiful. Sedona has always been my getaway spot. The Hubbs and I got engaged in Sedona and married in Sedona. Many new agers say that Sedona is a powerful place, special auras are there. I believe it because I always feel better after I visit there.
10. It makes me happy when I have friends that blog and I can keep in touch with them and see their families. I love the internet. I am grateful for the blogging world and how it has been a sort of journal, a release, and a way for me to keep connected with all of my friends. I also love that I am able to meet so many amazing people through blogging. The blogsphere is great and I am happy that I finally got over myself and started blogging.

Now here is the part that I don't ever like to do... I am not a "tagger" and I never pass on chain mail. So if you want to add this to your blog (and I would hope that you would take the time), put the first picture at the top then list your 10 favorites, 10 loves, 10 things that MAKE YOU HAPPY.

Weekend Activites...

, I feel like I haven't blogged in a while and thats okay. I have been busy keeping busy. My hormone doctor put me on some meds to level out my imbalances and its been great. I have had so much energy lately, been in a great mood, don't sweat the small stuff, and just have overall had a different mindset. I don't know if its the pills or just me trying to have a better attitude. Either way... its been great.
Heres the things I been working on in my world...
I finished this quilt... with the help from my mom.
I am not so great at binding yet- so she helps.

I also worked on this sign for my kitchen. I LOVE mod podge and wanted to make something with these colors for my kitchen. I will show once its all done... right now its drying.

I have also been busy cutting teddy bear faces for humanitarian aid and working on some new quilt blocks. This green and pink one is from one of the Log Cabin quilt kits I got at the quilt show last week. Which while I am on the subject... the quilt show is like the MECCA for quilters. Oh my... I loved it. I also found my dream quilting sewing machine that I am saving up for.
This one to the right is my Hello Betty Retro that I got in the mail a couple weeks ago. I had another pattern picked out for this fabric but then changed my mind wanting to do a Half Log Cabin. Should turn out good. I like the blocks so far. They just take longer then some of the other patterns I have done in the past.
So its been a busy weekend. Love my life.